518-489-8945 fp@nysafp.org

A Successful Congress of Delegates (COD) – 2023

Another Congress of Delegates (COD) is in the books. Thank you to all who participated making it a successful and productive weekend.

Congratulations to the following leaders who were elected:

President: Dr. Heather Paladine
President-Elect: Dr. Rachelle Brilliant
Vice President: Dr. Christine Doucet
Secretary: Dr. Kristin Mack
Treasurer: Dr. Dan Young
COD Speaker: Dr. Thomas Molnar
COD Vice Speaker: Dr. Fran Faustino
AAFP Delegate (upstate): Dr. Marc Price
AAFP Alternate Delegate (upstate): Dr. Mark Josefski
New Physician: Dr. Suganya Mahinthan
Director (3):

  • Dr. Naz Khan
  • Dr. Jiana Menendez
  • Dr. Marten Peterson

MSSNY Delegate: Dr. James Mumford
MSSNY Alternate Delegate: Dr. Lily Eisenberg

Further congratulations to our:
Family Physician of the Year: Dr. John Petrillo
Family Educator of the Year: Dr. Jocelyn Young

Thank you to our sponsors for supporting our event and the practice of family medicine.

Learn more about our sponsors.

Learn more about COD.